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The President's Baby Wife (14th Dec 22 at 12:33am UTC)
"Wife, good morning." Sima Laosan let go of her and sat up against the head of the bed. Just now when they opened their eyes at the same time, Laosan felt his heart beating so fast. Her eyes were so bright and clear. He liked it very much. Forcing himself not to look at her, he got out of bed and walked quickly to the bathroom. Seeing him come out of the bathroom with only a bath towel on his lower body, Xiao Rou walked quickly into the bathroom with her head down and her face red. She closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Did that man deliberately show off his perfect and strong figure in front of her? Every time she blushed and her heart beat faster. Xiao Rou thought of Yang Jian. Yang Jian never wore a shirt like this. Even if it was hot outside, Yang Jian would wear an undershirt, because Yang Jian knew that Xiao Rou didn't like men with upper body. But in the bedroom, Sima Laosan often did not wear a coat. Xiao Rou thought to herself that it was not the way for two people to sleep in the same bed for a long time. Maybe one day he would sleepwalk and eat himself up. Xiao Rou was shocked to think of this. My God, I really can't go on like this. When she dawdled out of the bathroom, it was almost eight o'clock. "Wife, put on this dress." He pointed to a business suit on the bed. Xiao Rou understood that she was going to work today. Seeing that he had put on his shirt and tie, Xiao Rou hurried into the dressing room with her clothes. Second watch, or third watch in the morning ~ ~ ~ ~ Disturbance in the Secretary's Office (3) Chapter 515 tidbits of the storm in the secretarial office (3). When they went downstairs,5 person hot tub, Dasima and Qiqi were waiting for them to have breakfast, and the children got up early. "Mom, are you going to work like this?" Ann asked, "Yes, you and Jingjing should be good at home." Xiao Rou touched Ann's head and led the two children into the restaurant. The vice president in charge of real estate and finance went to work for the first day today. He came in holding the female secretary's hand, which made the whole Sima Group headquarters start to stir up. It seems that the name of Sima's third son is not fake. Xiao Rou could feel that many pairs of eyes were looking at her behind her,jacuzzi bathtub manufacturers, jealous, envious and suspicious. If her eyes could kill people, she thought that her back would have been riddled with holes by the bullets of those women. Sima Laosan held her hand tightly, and Xiao Rou could not break free, but suddenly turned back. Xiaorou saw a lot of small groups of women gathered behind her pointing at her. My God, it was only the first day of work, and this man had created such a harsh environment for her. Looking at the thousands of different looks of those women, Xiaorou secretly complained in her heart. How could she work in the future? Obviously, those women would exclude her. Finally, endless pool factory ,massage bathtub manufacturers, he took her by the hand and they entered the special elevator for the president. He found that her forehead was covered with sweat and took out his handkerchief to help her wipe it. "Wife, are you hot in this?" He looked up and down at her business suit. It was all right. She should not sweat on her forehead, and the air conditioning in the hall was enough just now. "No, no." Xiaorou immediately hid her flustered mood. She really had no confidence. She was not in this major and had no working experience. Moreover, he had made a lot of enemies for her. My God, she really had no confidence to do this job well. Xiaorou didn't want to follow him upstairs. Her mood now was to run away. Secretary Sun is a professional who is familiar with real estate and finance. He is 22 years old this year. Besides being young and beautiful, he is also very capable. Two years ago, he was trained in the United States and came back to Beijing to be the former secretary general of the real estate department. Now the real estate and finance are supervised by a vice president. Secretary Sun naturally becomes the right-hand man of Sima Laosan. "Vice President, good morning." Secretary Sun stood at the elevator entrance to welcome Sima Laosan out of the elevator. She naturally took the briefcase from the vice president's hand and did not squint at Xiaorou beside him. The vice president was a womanizer, and she had heard about it.
Secretary Sun, carrying Sima Laosan's briefcase, walked proudly in front of her with professional steps. She passed a long and wide corridor. Under the gaze of more than one hundred people, Xiao Rou felt cold all over her body. Sima Laosan still held her hand, which made her very embarrassed. Finally, the woman in front opened the door of the vice president's office, reached out and made a gesture of invitation with a smile. Sima Laosan led Xiaorou in. Xiaorou had no mind to look at the spacious and luxurious vice president's office. She reached out and closed the door of the office. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Vice President, I am Sun Ruyan. I was the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Real Estate before today. From today on, I will be the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Real Estate and Finance. I will accept the leadership of Vice President." Secretary Sun always has a professional smile on his face. In Xiao Rou's opinion, it is a confident smile. "Secretary Sun, those people outside just now seem to have nothing to do. Everyone seems to be staring at each other. What's going on?" "Sorry, vice president, I'll arrange the work right away. Do you need to meet with us now?" "No, tell everyone, at seven o'clock tonight, all the cadres and employees of our real estate and finance departments will have dinner at the Hilton Hotel." He hates the scene of meeting with employees like a meeting. He wants to be better in the hotel and the atmosphere will be more lively. "All right, vice president, if there's nothing else, I'll go out." Secretary Sun still did not squint at Xiao Rou, the whole process Xiao Rou is clearly seen, Xiao Rou knew in her heart that Sun Ruyan might regard her as Vice President Ye Xiaorou's honey. Thinking of this, Xiao Rou glared at Lao San, and just at this time Lao San looked at her. "Wife,whirlpool bathtub, do you seem a little angry?" Sima Laosan sat down at the vice president's desk with a thief smile on his face. Xiao Rou told herself not to be wronged, but to say what she wanted to say, so that she would feel better. 。
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